The 1980s

  1. 2. 1980s nice guy/murderous drug lord
  2. 6. important pop culture channel
  3. 7. Russian for 'restructuring'
  4. 10. USSR had a lot
  5. 13. Reagan lowered
  6. 15. important news channel
  7. 17. UK PM 1980s
  8. 21. USSR had a lot
  9. 23. had nothing to to with any of this
  10. 24. Pacman champion
  11. 26. idiotic ghost
  1. 1. dot eater
  2. 3. site of wall fall
  3. 4. died in 1991
  4. 5. 1980s epidemic
  5. 7. led Polish protests
  6. 8. super aggressive ghost
  7. 9. ended USSR
  8. 11. Russian for 'openness'
  9. 12. important sportsball channel
  10. 14. US President 1980s
  11. 16. world's best haircut
  12. 18. killed 7
  13. 19. leaky vessel
  14. 20. most important 1980s development?
  15. 22. Italian plumber born in 1985
  16. 25. man stares down tank here