The Age of Criminal Responsibility

  1. 4. Adolescents are vulnerable to poor decision making due to _______ pressure.
  2. 5. The responsibility of young children is still developing as a product of their _______.
  3. 6. The Oxford English Dictionary defines responsibility as ‘the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without _______.
  4. 8. Carefully controlled _______ studies which follow children in to adolescence and adulthood are lacking.
  5. 10. Children as young as _______ years of age can tell lies.
  6. 13. Empathy is feeling an emotion _______.
  7. 14. Moral reasoning is a _______ process.
  8. 16. ‘The age of criminal responsibility must be set so as properly to take in to account both the underlying complexity and the acquisition of _______.
  1. 1. Juvenile _______ allow for adolescents to be transferred to adult courts.
  2. 2. In step 1 of any of the developmental pathways in Loeber et al.'s (1993) study, the average age of onset of minor problem behaviour was _______ years.
  3. 3. The majority of children's courts aim to enhance the desirability of _______.
  4. 7. Moral development occurs in the first _______ years of life.
  5. 9. _______ groups had a reduced sense of wrong in criminal acts.
  6. 11. Even toddlers as young as thirty months old have a developed sense of _______.
  7. 12. Continued child delinquent behaviours may result in a high risk of depression and _______.
  8. 15. The _______ lobe is the last part of the brain to develop.