The Bible
- 2. The language most of the New Testament was originally written in.
- 3. Last book of the Old Testament
- 4. First book of the New Testament
- 5. One of the letters Paul wrote.
- 8. A book of wise sayings.
- 12. A book of songs and poems
- 14. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are called the four _________.
- 15. This gospel was written by the came person who wrote the book of Acts.
- 17. Shortest book of the Old Testament
- 18. The Bible is also called God's _____.
- 1. Last book of the New Testament
- 6. This book records the history of the early church.
- 7. First book of the Old Testament
- 8. The person who wrote much of the New Testament.
- 9. The ___ Testament was written before Jesus was born.
- 10. The best selling book of all time.
- 11. The four gospels record the life story of this person.
- 13. The book that contains the 10 commandments.
- 16. Romans 10 v 7 says that ______ comes from hearing the Word of God.