The Bill of Rights By WP 8.1

  1. 4. The eighth amendment states that someone cannot receive _____ bail, or cruel and unjust punishment.
  2. 6. The first amendment states that we are able to praise what we want, called the freedom of ________.
  3. 7. The second amendment right to bear _____.
  4. 8. The ninth amendment states that even if they are not directly stated, people have more ______.
  5. 9. the sixth amendment states that criminals have the right to ______ trials.
  6. 12. The fourth amendment states that the government cannot unreasonably search and/or _______ you.
  7. 14. The third amendment states that you cannot be forced to take in ________.
  1. 1. The seventh amendment states that people have the right to a jury in ______ cases.
  2. 2. Someone cannot be tried for the same crime twice, double ______.
  3. 3. You are allowed to say whatever you want with the freedom of _____.
  4. 5. The tenth amendment states that the federal government only has as much power as is written in the __________.
  5. 7. The first amendment right to gather in a large group is called _____.
  6. 10. The freedom to write out or put whatever you want into words on a material, such as paper, is called freedom of the ______.
  7. 11. The fifth amendment states that serious criminal cases must be started by a grand _____.
  8. 13. The ______ amendment states that people have the right against self-incrimination, or the right to remain silent.