The body Systems

  1. 2. Takes in oxygen and gets rid of carbon dixode
  2. 4. Allows living things to give offspring
  3. 7. Uses blood to distrute nutrients
  4. 10. The base structure of life
  5. 11. Controls your body
  6. 13. A group of cells
  7. 15. Helps you move
  8. 16. A living thing
  9. 18. Produces insulin
  10. 19. A bone in your back that helps the brain and helps you stand upright
  11. 21. Takes blood in
  12. 22. The main organ of the respiratory system
  13. 23. Takes blood to specific organs
  14. 26. This system contains hair, skin, nails
  15. 28. The largest bone in your legs
  16. 29. The muscle that you can flex with in your arms
  17. 30. Breaks down food
  18. 31. Cleans the blood
  19. 32. The hard part at the end of your fingers
  20. 33. The bone that protects the brain
  1. 1. The main organ of the digestive system
  2. 3. Gives you support
  3. 5. Seperates water and other good nutrients from the waste
  4. 6. The bodys ability to keep balance to survive
  5. 8. Protects your body from bacteria, virus, ect
  6. 9. Pumps blood, the main organ of the circulatory system
  7. 12. A group of tissues that work togather to do a certain task
  8. 14. Organs that work togather
  9. 17. The bone that protects your lungs and heart
  10. 20. Gets rid of waste
  11. 24. Controls hormones
  12. 25. Takes blood out
  13. 27. The funny bone