The Book of Joshua

  1. 1. After Joshua gave the land over for an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal allotments the land had rest from this? (11)
  2. 6. A manslayer who kills without intent or unwittingly may flee to a city of _________. (20)
  3. 7. Place where the five kings hid? (10)
  4. 8. The whole congregation of Israel assembled there and set up a tent of meeting. (18)
  5. 9. His bones were buried at Shechem. (24)
  6. 11. He was exalted by the Lord before the people of Israel. (4)
  7. 13. Silver and gold and the vessels of bronze and of iron were put into the _______ of the house of the Lord. (6)
  8. 14. The seventh lot came out for this tribe of Israel. (19)
  9. 17. The walls of this city fell in? (6)
  10. 19. This tribe of Israel received the fifth lot. (19)
  11. 20. He was the son of Hepher, he had no sons only daughters. (17)
  12. 23. Thirty-one of these were killed by the Israelites. (12)
  13. 25. The ark of the covenant was carried by Levitical _______. (3)
  14. 27. The Lord said to Joshua be strong and of good _________. (1)
  15. 29. Caleb gave his daughter Achsah to ________ for his wife. (15)
  16. 33. He took the devoted things and hid them? (7)
  17. 34. The fourth lot came out for this tribe of Israel? (19)
  18. 36. Joshua said to the people of Israel "therefore be very steadfast to keep and do all that is written in the book of _______. (23)
  19. 37. Joshua was given the city of Timnathserah in the hill country of __________. (19)
  20. 38. The Hivites acted with cunning and from this city came to Joshua and Israel to make a covenant with them to be their servants. (9)
  1. 2. This was used to lower the spies out of the window of the harlot? (2)
  2. 3. Five kings were killed and hung on these? (10)
  3. 4. The space the Israelites were to stay behind the ark of the covenant two thousand _______. (3)
  4. 5. He was eighty-five years old when he received his inheritance. (14)
  5. 10. This was given to Caleb the son of Jephunneh for an inheritance? (14)
  6. 11. This river was dried up, so the Israelites could crossover on dry land.(3)
  7. 12. They dwelt in Gezer and became slaves to do forced labor. (16)
  8. 15. Seven priest blew these before the city? (6)
  9. 16. He was the first born of Joseph? (17)
  10. 18. _______ formerly was Kiriathsepher. (15)
  11. 19. sheshai, Ahiman and Talmai are sons of ___________. (15)
  12. 21. He was son of Eleazar the priest. (22)
  13. 22. After the day of Passover the people of Israel ate this no more? (5)
  14. 24. Twelve of these were taken from the river where the priest stood with the ark of the covenant. (4)
  15. 26. ________ the son of Aaron died; and they buried him at Gibeah, the town of Phinehas. (24)
  16. 28. She was the harlot who hid the spies of Israel? (1)
  17. 30. Joshua built an altar to the Lord on this mount. (8)
  18. 31. Joshua said to the Hivites some of them would always be slaves hewers of wood and drawer of what? (9)
  19. 32. The Lord told Joshua to stretch out this toward the city of AI and he would give it into the hand of Joshua. (8)
  20. 35. Because the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, the men from this land chased 3000 men of Israel and killed about 36 of them. (7)