The Brain

  1. 2. brain region that coordinates fundamental fuctions such as respiratory rhythm
  2. 4. autonomic nervous system section that prepares the body for physical and mental activity
  3. 8. lobe involved with processing emotion, memory, and auditory stimuli
  4. 9. a structure that allows a neuron to transmit an impulse or message to another neuron
  5. 11. the brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of experience.
  6. 12. brain region that controls temperature, reproductive functions, eating, sleeping, and the display of emotions.
  7. 14. nervous system responsible for the body's rest and digestion
  8. 16. lobe responsible for higher cognitive functions like problem solving and social interaction
  9. 18. part of the peripheral nervous system associated with voluntary control
  10. 19. nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord
  11. 20. lobes responsible for visual perception
  1. 1. chemical messengers in the body that transmits signals
  2. 3. division of the nervous system that lies outside of the central nervous system
  3. 5. outer surface of the brain associated with consciousness, thought, emotion, reasoning, language, and memory
  4. 6. part of the nervous system responsible for unconscious bodily functions
  5. 7. nerve cells that pass signals between the brain and body
  6. 10. lobe responsible for processing sensory information
  7. 13. neurons that bring information to the central nervous system
  8. 15. thick bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two brain hemispheres
  9. 17. neurons that carry information away from the central nervous system