The Cardiovascular System

  1. 2. The liquid part of the blood (Plasma)
  2. 8. A condition where blood pressure is too low (Hypotension)
  3. 9. The largest artery in the body (Aorta)
  4. 10. The valve that separates the left atrium from the left ventricle (Mitral)
  5. 11. The vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart (Pulmonary veins)
  6. 13. A condition where there is a shortage of red blood cells (Anemia)
  7. 14. The upper chambers of the heart (Atria)
  8. 16. The muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body (Heart)
  9. 18. A disorder where blood sugar levels are too high (Diabetes)
  10. 20. The smallest blood vessels where gas exchange occurs (Capillaries)
  11. 21. A condition where the heart muscle weakens (Cardiomyopathy)
  12. 24. A condition where the arteries become hardened and narrowed (Atherosclerosis)
  13. 25. A procedure to open blocked arteries (Angioplasty)
  14. 26. The process of the heart relaxing (Diastole)
  15. 28. The vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood (Coronary arteries)
  16. 29. A condition where blood pressure is too high (Hypertension)
  17. 30. The vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart (Veins)
  1. 1. A procedure to replace a damaged heart valve (Valve replacement)
  2. 3. The vessels that carry blood between the heart and lungs (Pulmonary arteries)
  3. 4. A device used to measure blood pressure (Sphygmomanometer)
  4. 5. A fatty substance that can clog arteries (Cholesterol)
  5. 6. The oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells (Hemoglobin)
  6. 7. A condition where the heart's blood supply is reduced (Ischemia)
  7. 12. The process of recording the electrical activity of the heart (Electrocardiography)
  8. 15. The lower chambers of the heart (Ventricles)
  9. 17. A condition where the heart rhythm is irregular (Arrhythmia)
  10. 19. The valve that separates the right atrium from the right ventricle (Tricuspid)
  11. 22. The thin membrane that surrounds the heart (Pericardium)
  12. 23. The process of the heart contracting (Systole)
  13. 27. The vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart (Arteries)