The Cay jack

  1. 3. The animal in the water that is dangerous that Phillip and Timothy encounter on the raft.
  2. 5. what Timothy and Phillip are stuck on in the ocean.
  3. 7. the type of tree that Phillip climbs
  4. 9. is a country that started and are antagonist during ww2
  5. 10. the overall word for someone dying.
  6. 11. A war happening in the world during that time.
  7. 13. To survive
  8. 15. Where Phillip and Timothy are stranded
  9. 16. Second main character
  1. 1. Phillips mom
  2. 2. the natural disaster that kills Timothy.
  3. 4. what happens when you are stuck on an island you are ...... on an island.
  4. 6. Phillips dad
  5. 8. The cat who was there during the whole adventure
  6. 12. Phillips nationality
  7. 14. Main character