The Circuit
- 3. Last name of Francisco's 7th grade teacher(84)
- 5. Type of stories Roberto liked to tell(65)
- 7. Who gave Francisco the 1910 Lincoln Head penny?(99)
- 10. Type of music Francisco likes(83)
- 13. What Francisco called his notebook(103)
- 15. What type of car was Papa's "carcachita"?(75)
- 17. How many kids Gabriel has(89)
- 18. Who Carlos would not let play kick the can(86)
- 19. What Rorra used Francisco's two favorite pennies to buy(107)
- 1. How much they made their first day working in the grape vineyards of Fresno(79)
- 2. A Spanish word for labor contractor or boss(65)
- 4. Mama cooked tortillas on this on the kerosene stove(64)
- 6. What caused the house to burn down?(109)
- 8. The month of the year Francisco started 6th grade(80)
- 9. Francisco's favorite dish(80)
- 11. Labor workers could not pick cotton in this type of weather(70)
- 12. Last name of Francisco's 6th grade teacher(81)
- 14. Francisco's close friend. A red, green, and yellow parrot that had been smuggled from Mexico by Don Pancho(57)
- 16. Who gave Francisco the 1865 Indian Head penny?(99)