The Civil Rights Movement: Camden Courtney

  1. 2. one of the most famous civil rights activists of all time who wrote the "I Have A Dream" speech
  2. 4. 3rd grader who's parents sued the school board to get their daughter admitted to an all-white school closer to her home
  3. 5. used violent action to fight for equal rights for African Americans
  4. 6. fourteen-year-old that was murdered for reportedly flirting with a white cashier at a grocery store
  5. 7. MLK preferred and stressed this kind of protest to those fighting for civil rights
  6. 8. place where four black students sat at a segregated lunch counter to protest segregation
  7. 9. african american students were chosen to attend an all-white high school
  8. 13. one of the Civil Rights Movement goals to end the separation of black and white people
  9. 14. man who organized freedom rides during the 1960's
  10. 16. where MLK was put in response to white ministers who urged him to stop causing disturbances
  11. 17. not protected under the law such as marches, speeches, and petition drives
  12. 20. place MLK stayed before his assassination in Memphis
  13. 21. refused to move to the back of the bus so a white person may sit
  14. 22. founded in Chicago which marked the beginning of a mass movement for civil rights
  15. 25. african americans refused to ride the buses in order to desegregate buses
  16. 26. put the sit-in protests into action and their success helped overturn segregation laws
  17. 27. organization that fought for the rights of african americans by addressing issues in schools and voting laws
  1. 1. the ruling of this organization overturned bus segregation
  2. 2. leader of mississippi NAACP who was murdered
  3. 3. nickname for the march from Selma to Montgomery due to the deaths and violence
  4. 10. NAACP lawer, first black supreme court justice
  5. 11. separation of races (black and white)
  6. 12. the 24th amendment outlawed this
  7. 15. used to block the entrance to the school to prevent the students from entering and harming the little rock nine
  8. 18. man who killed MLK
  9. 19. governor of Arkansas during the Little Rock Nine school desegregation
  10. 23. those who voiced their opinions against segregation
  11. 24. nickname for Birmingham Alabama after bombings