the civil war

  1. 5. a period before war
  2. 6. someone who wanted to end slavery
  3. 7. the south's way of producing goods. they often used slaves for the labor
  4. 13. corn,wheat,grain,ect.
  5. 15. when a person is murdered for political reasons
  6. 16. boundary or border that split free states from slave states. it passed through the north,Virginia,Pennsylvania, Maryland,Delaware, and then through the south
  7. 18. 18th president of the union
  8. 19. the name for the south after they ______(7 down) from the north
  9. 20. meaning to break apart or split from one another
  1. 1. the name for those who supported the south
  2. 2. name for the north after the south _____(7 down) from them
  3. 3. when usually african-americans and sometimes native americans are owned by people (usually whites) and forced to do labor for them and sometimes sold/bidded for money to other people
  4. 4. a large farm in the southern united states. before the war many of the people who worked on the land were enslaved
  5. 5. president of the union during the civil war
  6. 8. men who traveled and fought on the ground
  7. 9. an attempt to stop people and/or supplies from coming and/or leaving a port
  8. 10. manufacturing goods from raw materials used by the northern people to produce goods. there was no need for slavery for this type of production
  9. 11. large caliber firearms such as cannons and mortars
  10. 12. when a soldier is wounded or killed in battle
  11. 13. states that left the union to form their own country after Abraham Lincoln was elected as the president of the united states
  12. 14. men who fight on horseback
  13. 17. loyal to the north