The Cold War

  1. 4. Curtain, a political boundary that divided Europe into two separate areas
  2. 7. Keeps communism within its existing borders.
  3. 9. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during this time.
  4. 10. Plan, Grants and loans given to Western Europe from the United States
  5. 11. Atlantic Treaty Organization, Provided military alliance to counter Soviet expansions.
  1. 1. Soviet Union leader during this time
  2. 2. Doctrine, A promise to aid nations struggling against communist movements
  3. 3. Airlift, United States provided West Berlin with food, fuel, medical supplies, and clothing through airlifts.
  4. 5. States, Eastern European states controlled by the Soviet Union
  5. 6. Pact, Soviet Union and its satellite states formed a rival military alliance.
  6. 7. War, Worldwide rivalry between United States and the Soviet Union
  7. 8. United States President during this time