The Cold War

  1. 1. An economic system based on government ownership and control of resources.
  2. 5. Purposely escalating a dangerous situation to the limit (brink), while giving the impression that you are willing to go to war, in the hope of pressuring your opponents to back down.
  3. 7. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is an alliance of democratic and western countries including much of Western Europe, Canada, and the United States.
  4. 10. A softening or easing of relations between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  5. 11. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , also commonly called the Soviet Union, was a country that consisted of what is now Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
  6. 14. A crossing point between West Berlin and East Berlin when the Berlin Wall divided the city.
  7. 16. was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to explore space
  8. 20. A term used by Mikhail Gorbachev to describe a reconstruction of the Soviet economy and industry.
  9. 21. a policy introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev that allowed for more openness in the Soviet government as well as some level of freedom of speech.
  10. 22. when two sides use third parties to fight rather than fighting each other directly
  11. 23. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. It was when the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit the number of nuclear weapons they made.
  12. 24. the guarantee that if one superpower launched a massive nuclear attack, the other would reciprocate by also launching a massive nuclear attack, and both countries would be destroyed.
  13. 25. A competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to manufacture the most nuclear weapons. They also tried to outdo each other in weapons technology and defense.
  14. 26. An economic system based on private ownership (rather than government ownership) and the free market system.
  1. 2. a country that is significantly stronger, especially in regards to their military, than most other countries.
  2. 3. an effort to stop the spread of communism. It said that the United States would help countries that were threatened by "armed minorities or outside pressures".
  3. 4. a descriptive term or symbol used to describe the border between the communist and democratic countries of Europe.
  4. 6. an economic and political philosophy named after its author German philosopher Karl Marx.
  5. 8. The Eisenhower Doctrine stated that a country could ask for military support from the United States if it was threatened by another country.
  6. 9. The Eastern Bloc was a name given to the Soviet Union and its communist controlled states in Eastern Europe such as Poland, East Germany, and Bulgaria.
  7. 12. ​A direct line of communication between the White House and the Kremlin established in 1963. Often called the "red telephone."
  8. 13. A nuclear weapon is a device that uses nuclear forces to create a huge explosion capable of destroying an entire city.
  9. 15. This is the term given to accusations of treason or disloyalty without having evidence.
  10. 17. U.S. President Ronald Reagan's plan to research, develop, and build a space-based system that could destroy incoming nuclear missiles
  11. 18. a time of extreme anti-communism in the United States.
  12. 19. an alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern Europe communist nations.