The Cold War

  1. 2. Acronym for the negotiations where United States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit the number of nuclear weapons they made
  2. 4. Name of countries dominated by Soviet Union
  3. 6. Formed own military pact, linked Soviet Union with 7 other European countries
  4. 10. Executive Order 9981 Truman integrated what?
  5. 11. The 1950's is know as the decade of what?
  6. 13. A period of fear of communists
  7. 14. No progress can be made and no advancement is possible
  8. 16. Commander of US pacific forces
  9. 19. List of people whom condemned for having communist background
  1. 1. Conflict between North and South Korea
  2. 2. Leader of Soviet Union
  3. 3. Threatening until you get your way
  4. 5. Trumans idea to fincially aid Greece and Turkey
  5. 7. What type of bomb was being made during Manhattan Project?
  6. 8. Nations compete to amass weaponry
  7. 9. The easing of hostility between countries
  8. 12. Julius and Ethel Rosenburg were charged with
  9. 14. The first Earth-orbiting artificial satellite
  10. 15. Man who took over after Stalin died
  11. 17. Forming alliances if needed
  12. 18. This aid gave 16 European countries hope
  13. 19. Population explosion