The Cold War

  1. 2. willingness to almost go to war to get the other side to back down
  2. 3. Give aid to Western European countries
  3. 4. military alliance of western, non communist countries
  4. 5. Executed for espionage and selling secrets to Soviets
  5. 11. fear of communists infiltrating U.S. Government
  6. 13. Pledge to contain and help other countries resist communism
  7. 14. Imaginary line that separates Warsaw Pact and Nato countries in Europe
  8. 16. Fired for questionning President Truman
  9. 17. where Nationalists fled following China's Civil War
  10. 18. country divided into East and West after WWII
  11. 19. Rivalry between United States and Soviet Union
  1. 1. Soviet response to NATO
  2. 2. 4 tons of food, fuel and medicine delivered by air
  3. 6. Eastern European countries controlled by Soviets
  4. 7. House UnAmerican Activities Committee
  5. 8. Do not let Communism spread
  6. 9. War in Asia to contain communism
  7. 10. Senator from Wisconsin who orchestrated Red Scare
  8. 12. First Satellite into space
  9. 15. type of plane shot down by Soviets; created and incident