The Cold War (Ch. 31)

  1. 2. a war in which powers in conflict use third parties as substitutes instead of fighting each other directly
  2. 4. policy to prevent the spread of communism
  3. 5. _______ theory; the idea that if one nation falls to communism, then neighboring countries will too
  4. 8. keeping a large arsenal of nuclear weapons to prevent war
  5. 10. a country that is economically & politically dependent on another country
  6. 11. a dispute during the Cold War in which the Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba
  1. 1. the division in Europe between democratic Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe
  2. 3. building up armies and weapons to have an advantage over an enemy
  3. 6. An alliance of Western democratic nations formed after World War 2 to defend themselves against communist aggression
  4. 7. The political idea that all property should be publicly owned and managed by a central government
  5. 9. The battle of international influence that arose between communist and democratic nations following the end of World War II