The Cold War USII.8a/8c

  1. 2. Economic system in which the government has TOTAL control over the economy.
  2. 3. Is Mr. Alexander awesome?
  3. 6. The Soviet Union installed a communist government in this country after WWII.
  4. 8. This city was also split into parts and was located completely within Communist controlled East Germany.
  5. 9. The boundary dividing North and South Korea.
  6. 11. This was constructed to prevent people from leaving East Berlin and fleeing the communist government for the democratic West.
  7. 12. Section of Germany under communist control during the Cold War.
  8. 13. Communist superpower during the Cold War.
  9. 15. Capitalist and Democratic superpower during the Cold War.
  10. 17. When the US Government actively worked to stop communism from spreading to other countries.
  11. 18. A War being fought between other countries with each side getting support from a different superpower. (ex. Korean War and Vietnam War)
  12. 19. Split into two sections after WWII (Previously controlled by Japan).
  13. 21. Plan where the United States government would provide aid to European countries to help them rebuild after WWII.
  14. 23. This country was divided into 4 sections after WWII.
  15. 27. He was the leader of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Cold War.
  16. 29. These were two things that were delivered by the first flights into West Berlin in 1948.
  17. 30. Section of Germany that enjoyed a democratic government and capitalist economy during the Cold War.
  1. 1. An extremely POWERFUL nation that has a strong government that influences other countries around the world.
  2. 4. The United States created a democracy in this country after WWII.
  3. 5. This was a NATO led effort to deliver food and fuel to West Germany during the late 1940’s that lasted more than 11 months.
  4. 7. The Soviet Union set up a __________ around West Berlin in an attempt to stop supplies from entering the city. It failed.
  5. 10. Economic system in which people can own their own business and property and make their own economic decisions.
  6. 14. This country was part of the Axis powers but formed a democratic government after World War II and eventually became a strong ally of the United States.
  7. 16. Best subject in school. Ask Ms. Miller, Swartz and Watson… They will probably agree.
  8. 20. He was President of the United States at the beginning of the Cold War.
  9. 22. Alliance formed between democratic/capitalist countries to prevent them from being attacked by the Soviet Union.
  10. 24. Neither side of the Korean War could seem to gain an advantage after 1951 leading to a _________.
  11. 25. Alliance of communist countries formed after WWII.
  12. 26. Proxy war where the United States supported the democratic South and the Soviet Union supported the Communist North.
  13. 28. A long period of tension between the democracies of the Western World and the communist countries of Eastern Europe beginning after World War two and lasting until 1991.