The Communication Process

  1. 2. A person who creates and shares a message
  2. 5. The process of creating a profile of the intended receivers of a message
  3. 6. An informal communication channel in an organization
  4. 10. Words used in a spoken or written message
  5. 12. Data that should be kept private or secret
  6. 15. Things/conditions outside the receiver/sender that hinder communication
  7. 17. A positive feeling or attitude toward others; the positive reputation or image of a company
  8. 18. Reviewing material to get a basic understanding of the objectives you are going to read
  9. 19. The mode or form used to send a message, such as speaking person-to-person or sending an e-mail
  1. 1. An idea expressed by a set of symbols
  2. 3. The physical and social setting in which a message is sent or received
  3. 4. A person who hears, sees, or reads symbols and interprets a message
  4. 7. Sending and interpreting messages related to products, services, of a company
  5. 8. The process of hearing and focusing attention to understand an oral message
  6. 9. Things or conditions that interfere with the communication process
  7. 11. Things/conditions within the receiver/sender that hinder communication
  8. 13. Actions or conditions that express a meaning
  9. 14. The response of a receiver to a message
  10. 16. The process of seeing and interpreting written words and other symbols