The Conscription Debate

  1. 3. Hughes was a member of the ________ Party.
  2. 5. The Prime Minister who wanted to introduce conscription was named Billy ___________.
  3. 6. After the conscription plebiscite failed, Hughes started a new party. It was called the _________________ Party.
  4. 8. Most Australians who were of __________ background were against conscription.
  5. 9. Most people who belonged to the working ________ were against conscription.
  6. 10. Hughes tried to get support for conscription by holding a plebiscite. Another word for this is ____________.
  7. 11. Most people who belonged to the ____________ church were against conscription.
  1. 1. This large group were divided on the issue of conscription. Many campaign posters were aimed at them.
  2. 2. Most people who belonged to _____________ churches were in favour of conscription.
  3. 4. Both of the conscription plebiscites were narrowly ______________.
  4. 7. People who supported conscription did so because they felt a sense of ___________ to the British Empire.
  5. 9. Conscription means ______________ military service.