The Court System

  1. 2. judges who disagree with the majority of the opinion may issue a separate document
  2. 3. presents arguments supporting the decision of the trial court
  3. 7. the party bringing the legal action in a civil court
  4. 9. the party responding to the plaintiff or prosecution
  5. 10. An appeal is possible only when there is a claim that the trial has committed this
  6. 11. hear matters of local law and ordinances
  7. 12. judges who agree with the majority opinion but for reasons differ from those used to support the majority opinion
  8. 16. if a trial is lost in a federal court then it may be appealed to this court
  9. 18. the highest court in the land
  1. 1. states the decision of the court
  2. 4. Court that listens to testimony, considers evidence, and decide the facts in disputed situations
  3. 5. resemble the federal courts in structure and and procedure, often specialize in legal areas such as family, traffic, criminal, probate, and small claims.
  4. 6. If a trial is lost in the trial court it may be appealed to an intermediate court of in some states to the highest court in the state
  5. 7. sides to each case
  6. 8. hear criminal and civil cases involving the Constitution or Federal law also known as U.S. District Courts
  7. 13. presents arguments asking the court to change the decisions of the trial court
  8. 14. review the procedures and the decisions in the trial court to make sure that the proceedings were fair and that the proper law was applied correctly
  9. 15. A decision made in appeals court writes a opinion. This opinion sets this for future cases
  10. 17. the party bringing the legal action in a criminal court, often the government or state