The Dangerous Effect or Littering, Mobile Phone Should Be Banned for Student at School, The Effect of Gadget Toward Children Eye, Ozone Destruction Because of Global Warming

  1. 3. Major victim of gadget is...
  2. 6. Synonym of 'Incompatible'
  3. 7. Mobile phone can...people to anyone and anywhere
  4. 10. Is it okay to ignore the health protocol?
  5. 13. Synonym of 'Conserve'
  6. 15. Synonym of 'Escapeable'
  7. 18. Hortatory exposition text is to...the readers that something should/shouldn't not be the case
  8. 19. It presents the statement of what ought or ought not to happen
  9. 20. Motor vehicles will produce combustion gases as...
  10. 21. First structure of hortatory exposition
  1. 1. Mobile phone aso provides a large temptation for student a test
  2. 2. It Presents the reason for concern, leading to recommendation
  3. 4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is abbreviated to...
  4. 5. Synonym of 'Enjoyable'
  5. 8. Global warming can destroy
  6. 9. Social Distancing can help us in combsting corona...
  7. 11. We can say that gadget is...for children
  8. 12. The government urges us to do social distancing during...
  9. 14. Reading can...your knowledge such as science, technology, and sports
  10. 16. Mobile phone are not only used by the adults but also used by...
  11. 17. Chloro Fluro Carbon is abbreviated to...