The Dead Boys
- 2. The Bookstore on George Washington Way
- 5. The worst incidence of radioactive waste dumping. (2 words)
- 7. Teddy's sunscreen brand
- 8. Who is the boy that gets bitten by the rattlesnake?
- 11. Last name of the air conditioning repairman
- 13. How old were all the boys that disappeared?
- 14. What are tree roots constantly looking for?
- 1. Who was the boy that Teddy met who wore bell bottoms and liked Star Wars?
- 3. What is the name of the city where Teddy is moving
- 4. Eugene's nicknanme
- 6. How many years were between each disappearance?
- 7. Species of tree
- 9. What is the river where the tree gets water?
- 10. What is the name of the officer that answered the call about the buried kid?
- 12. Henry's eye color