The Dead Boys

  1. 2. The Bookstore on George Washington Way
  2. 5. The worst incidence of radioactive waste dumping. (2 words)
  3. 7. Teddy's sunscreen brand
  4. 8. Who is the boy that gets bitten by the rattlesnake?
  5. 11. Last name of the air conditioning repairman
  6. 13. How old were all the boys that disappeared?
  7. 14. What are tree roots constantly looking for?
  1. 1. Who was the boy that Teddy met who wore bell bottoms and liked Star Wars?
  2. 3. What is the name of the city where Teddy is moving
  3. 4. Eugene's nicknanme
  4. 6. How many years were between each disappearance?
  5. 7. Species of tree
  6. 9. What is the river where the tree gets water?
  7. 10. What is the name of the officer that answered the call about the buried kid?
  8. 12. Henry's eye color