The Doughtys
- 5. Where Bride & Groom met
- 7. The couple's first concert
- 9. 2/3 The couple's favorite cinematic universe
- 12. The couple's NFL team
- 13. Where Groom proposed
- 14. Brides sorority
- 17. 1/3 The couple's favorite cinematic universe
- 18. Where the groom worked while in college
- 1. Grooms fraternity
- 2. The couple enjoys building ____
- 3. Anniversary month
- 4. First date
- 6. First MLB game attended
- 8. The couple's first born
- 10. 3/3 The couple's favorite cinematic universe
- 11. How many years the couple has been together
- 15. The couple's NBA team
- 16. Where Bride & Groom first officially lived together