The ECO Family Year in Review 2014

  1. 1. Tom hasn't been seen around the office since what month?
  2. 3. Who helps with Perry's marching band?
  3. 4. Art's favorite team
  4. 6. Who used to ride in rodeos before this year?
  5. 7. How many kids Jon has
  6. 8. What sport Frank coaches this season
  7. 10. The month Julie started working
  8. 13. The office that got the most hate calls this month
  9. 15. Who takes your cards and mail to the post office?
  10. 16. The kind of car Hal drives
  11. 17. Who got married this year?
  1. 1. Pat's co-worker who died this year
  2. 2. The day Kathy works at the desk
  3. 5. ECO's newest therapist
  4. 8. Carol's favorite team that gets to be in the playoffs!
  5. 9. The office that hired their first man this year (North Canton ___ ___)
  6. 11. Who keeps a Bible in his office?
  7. 12. The name of Jan's new boyfriend
  8. 14. Who splits his time between the office and his farm?