The Effect of Exercise on Organ Systems

  1. 3. Oxygen and ___________ are needed for respiration
  2. 5. Your heart beats _________ when you exercise
  3. 7. We breath out this gas. It is a waste product of respiration
  4. 12. The faster your heart _____ the faster oxygen and glucose move around the body
  5. 13. What is the name of the system involving the heart
  6. 14. Carbon dioxide and energy are produced in respiration. There is something else, what is it?
  1. 1. The process living organisms must go through to get energy
  2. 2. The main organ in the respiratory system
  3. 4. Oxygen and glucose are carried through the body in the __________
  4. 6. You breath deeper and faster when you exercise so you can get more what?
  5. 8. What is the name of the system involving the lungs
  6. 9. Heart rate and breathing rate _____________ when we exercise
  7. 10. The more you exercise, the more you need this.
  8. 11. The main organ in the circulatory system