The Elements

  1. 5. the gas that we exhale.
  2. 7. the gas that we inhale.
  3. 11. a vertical line of elements in the Periodic Table.
  4. 12. the element represented by the chemical symbol ‘Fe’ on the Periodic Table.
  5. 13. the gas that you find in balloons from the card shop and can raise the pitch of your voice.
  6. 14. Curie the first and last name of the female scientist who discovered Radium.
  1. 1. the element found in toothpaste that prevents plaque build-up and strengthens teeth.
  2. 2. the element found batteries.
  3. 3. the element found in a thermometer that rises and falls depending on the temperature.
  4. 4. the name of the first element on the Periodic Table.
  5. 6. a horizontal line of elements in the Periodic Table.
  6. 8. the element represented by the chemical symbol ‘Au’ on the Periodic Table.
  7. 9. the element that plants need to grow.
  8. 10. a word that means a substance is not chemically reactive.
  9. 11. the element we need for strong bones and teeth.