The End of the Civil War

  1. 3. Put a bandage on a wound so that the wound will heal.
  2. 4. place where armies fight a battle.
  3. 6. Wanting to hurt others.
  4. 8. Fair to all.
  5. 9. a paper written by Lincoln that enslaved people in confederate states at war with the union were free.
  6. 12. Destroying everything in the enemy's area.
  7. 13. A leader that has complete power.
  1. 1. giving up completely.
  2. 2. short speech given by Lincoln.
  3. 5. To set free.
  4. 7. To murder an important leader.
  5. 10. Trying to conquer an area by surrounding it with an army.
  6. 11. Kindness and love to others.