The Endocrine system

  1. 2. the____gland produces melatonin in the brain
  2. 6. this gland slowly disappears as we grow older
  3. 8. the_____is the smaller gland of the Thyroid
  4. 9. the____is the last part of the female Endocrine system
  5. 11. butterfly-shaped gland in the neck
  6. 13. disease of the Thyroid that overproduces hormones
  7. 14. the____is the last part of the male Endocrine system
  1. 1. this gland secretes Insulin
  2. 3. this gland produces Adrenaline
  3. 4. this system secrets and controls____in the body
  4. 5. the hormones produced by the Thyroid
  5. 7. controls how much hormone each gland secretes
  6. 8. "master Control Gland"
  7. 10. name of the system
  8. 12. most common disease of the Endocrine system