The Endocrine System

  1. 3. the parathyroid controls how much of this in bones
  2. 4. this gland helps you when you're sick or stressed
  3. 7. condition caused by a lack of insulin
  4. 8. hormone in males that triggers growth and development
  5. 10. this hormone controls bone density
  6. 14. substances released by endocrine glands
  7. 15. location of the pituitary gland
  1. 1. the"master gland"
  2. 2. location of the thyroid gland
  3. 5. hormone that helps you grow big
  4. 6. the largest gland
  5. 9. hormone in females that triggers growth and development
  6. 11. hormone produced in the adrenal gland
  7. 12. hormone that helps glucose enter your cells
  8. 13. gland that helps you stay alert and energetic