The Endocrine System

  1. 1. A function of hormones starting with "G"
  2. 4. the gland involved in vitamin D regulation
  3. 6. the gland located in the brain that controls the other glands
  4. 7. A function of hormones that is also the name of another system
  5. 9. the organ that produces testosterone
  6. 10. the organ that is also involved in digestion
  7. 12. a problem that can affect the endocrine system
  8. 13. an important organ in the female reproductive system
  9. 14. A function of hormones starting with "R"
  10. 15. The gland that responds to stress.
  11. 16. the gland that initiates the metabolism process
  12. 17. the organ that produces erythropoietin
  1. 2. What the glands produce
  2. 3. The organ involved with metabolism and digestion.
  3. 5. the problem that affects the endocrine system due to too much sugar in the blood
  4. 8. the things that secrete hormones into the blood stream
  5. 11. the name of the system
  6. 15. the type of fat tissue that releases leptin