The Enlightenment

  1. 1. MAde vaccine for smallpox
  2. 4. Examined red blood cells, looked up close at organisms
  3. 6. The agreement in which people created a government.
  4. 8. Heliocentric theory
  5. 9. Individual freedom, social contract
  6. 10. Earth is the center of the solar system
  7. 11. Sun is the center of the solar system
  8. 15. Laws of motion and gravity
  9. 16. Separation of power and checks and balances
  10. 18. Founder of modern chemistry
  11. 19. Women's rights
  12. 20. A person who rules with absolute power
  13. 21. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  14. 22. Freedom of speech/religion
  15. 23. Experimental method/encouraged use of scientific method
  16. 24. Believed all humans were born evil, created the social contract
  1. 2. Depicted happy scenes/soft lines and colors
  2. 3. Mathematical laws to support the heliocentric theory
  3. 5. People could learn from experience, supported social contract
  4. 7. A logical procedure for gathering testing ideas
  5. 10. Founder of telescope used it to support the heliocentric theory
  6. 12. Analytical geometry
  7. 13. Dull colors and lines, about war
  8. 14. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment.
  9. 17. Promoted crimical justice