The Enlightenment

  1. 4. Wrote the book On the Spirit of Laws.
  2. 7. people who present new ways of thinking during the enlightenment.
  3. 8. Used microscope to find micro-organisms.
  4. 10. A person who rules with absolute power.
  5. 14. Wrote the book On Crimes and Punishments.
  6. 15. created the 3 laws of motion.
  7. 16. proposed the heliocentric theory.
  8. 17. created the first vaccine for smallpox.
  9. 19. Wrote the book Two Treaties of Government.
  10. 21. Brought up the idea of women receiving education.
  1. 1. created the scientific method.
  2. 2. to know something one did not know before.
  3. 3. Wrote the book The Social Contract.
  4. 5. a party where people would discuss new ideas.
  5. 6. Wrote the book Candide.
  6. 9. Used math to prove Copernicus's theory.
  7. 10. Created analytic Geometry(Added algebra to geometry)
  8. 11. Wrote the Leviathan.
  9. 12. The earth revolves around the solar system
  10. 13. a system in which multiple groups share decisions making and power.
  11. 18. The sun revolves around the solar system.
  12. 20. Proved that the planets weren't perfect spheres and Jupiter's four moon.