Ratification Debate

  1. 2. Number of amendments in the Bill of Rights, addressing concerns raised by Anti-Federalists
  2. 5. Collection of essays written in support of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution
  3. 7. Key demand of the Anti-Federalists for the U.S. Constitution to protect individual liberties
  4. 8. Opponents of the U.S. Constitution who argued for stronger state governments and feared a strong central authority
  1. 1. Group supporting the ratification of the U.S. Constitution
  2. 3. The process of officially changing or modifying a legal document, such as the U.S. Constitution
  3. 4. Process of officially approving or confirming a document, such as the U.S. Constitution
  4. 6. Author of the Federalist Papers along with James Madison and John Jay