The Enlightment Period and the Resolutions

  1. 4. Type of reasoning in which scientists start with a theory and test the theory with experiments and observations.
  2. 7. Also called empiricism, is a method in which scientists experiment and then draw conclusions.
  3. 8. Theory Believe in which the earth is an inmovable object located at the center of the universe.
  4. 9. Religious movement that promoted followers to challenge accept ways of thinking about God and Salvation.
  5. 12. Believe in which God is the creator of the universe.
  6. 13. Logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas.
  7. 14. Invention that helped to spread ideas during the Scientific Revolution.
  8. 15. The assistant of Tycho Brahe that also continue his work after his death.
  9. 17. A rebirth of learning and arts.
  10. 18. English scientist who create the theory of motion.
  11. 20. Polish cleric and astronomer who started the Heliocentric Theory.
  1. 1. English statesman and writer who had a passionate interest in science.
  2. 2. Greek philosopher who came with the idea of the geocentric theory.
  3. 3. Theory that believe that the sun is the center of the universe.
  4. 5. Type of reasoning that is also called “going from the bottom up”
  5. 6. Greek astronomer who expanded the geocentric theory.
  6. 10. Danish astronomer who recorded the movements of the planets for many years.
  7. 11. Freanch mathematician who believed that everything should be doubted until proved by reason.
  8. 16. Italian scientist who supported the theories of Copernicus.
  9. 19. New way of thinking about the world challenging the ideas of ancient thinkers and the church.