The enviroment

  1. 2. A resticted area where some types of animals and plants are born and live in harmony
  2. 3. It causes global warming
  3. 4. Energy wich can be reused more times
  4. 5. What we singly to the enviroment
  5. 7. Maintenance made without the use of chemicals
  6. 10. It's used to separate glass from other type of rubbish
  7. 12. Animals that are going to disappear soon
  8. 13. Protect something
  9. 14. A new type of energy wich caused so many disasters in the world
  10. 15. It causes the rise of the temperatures all around the world
  1. 1. The biggest problem that we have nowadays
  2. 3. Maintenance mad with the use of chemicals.
  3. 6. When some objects are reused
  4. 8. Fishing more fish than what's necessary
  5. 9. Where all our trash is throw away
  6. 11. Cutting too much trees