The Epitome of Boredom

  1. 6. Scottie’s favorite chip brand
  2. 8. Yun Ha’s favourite Kpop group
  3. 9. Michael Stone hopes Shabab will pick up this game again one day (sorry)
  4. 11. Fan of Russian witch music; often can be heard yelling “YO DID YOU HEAR WHAT YOUR BOI JUST SAID!”
  5. 14. Shabab, Gerard, Brynn, Susan, Jordan, John, Jason, Kevin and Phat played this intramural sport together
  6. 16. Tilak’s rendition of this song made it what Sidd calls “the 4 stream anthem”
  7. 18. Brynn adopted this diet because Kelvin challenged him to
  8. 20. Email this person when you don’t get into any of the courses you picked
  9. 22. Has all your childhood photos
  10. 25. Hanson, Arnet, Gerard, Tilak and Shabab played this intramural sport together
  11. 26. Arnet, Jordan, Brynn and Shabab did a full circle around this country in 7 days
  12. 27. Basically did 2 FYDP projects (thank you again truly)
  13. 30. Arnet, Kelvin and Gerard played this intramural sport together
  14. 33. Kelvin’s house at Shawnigan; he has a tattoo of their slogan
  15. 37. You stayed up all night with the rest of your class in this lab during 3B
  16. 41. Kevin’s 5th coop location; claims to have frequented maid cafes
  17. 42. Screamed your heart out to Taylor Swift songs at this location; Gerard is still expecting payment :(
  18. 45. Catchphrase of Jason Kim (hand extended)
  19. 47. Nearly lost his passport in Spain, found miraculously in a taxi at the bus station
  20. 48. Sidd’s favorite artist; also his Runescape persona
  21. 49. Ate insects in Cambodia; might be found performing at Poets
  22. 50. Phat put this object of Hanson’s in a full cup of water in first year for no reason at all
  23. 52. Lashgarian
  24. 53. This professor will give you answers to her exam if you look really sad while writing it
  25. 54. 4th best Smash Bros. player at the Menlo Park Facebook office
  26. 56. Brynn’s Materials midterm percentage
  27. 57. Gerard downed two in an hour (prize was a third)
  28. 59. This person claims to “smell numbers”; we keep trying to tell him that’s not a thing
  29. 60. Kelvin’s floors had deffaz water all over them because of this man; one of the four horseman
  1. 1. Eccentric first year guy would challenge people to this game; Brynn and Ana enjoy this hobby today
  2. 2. Lover of all board related activities
  3. 3. This person owns a cyutaz corgi named Apollo!!
  4. 4. Shabab’s parkdale companion; shares a last name with Russell
  5. 5. Nickname of the one with no equal in dodgeball; shares a nickname with Kawhi Leonard
  6. 7. First name of one of the four horsemen; notorious at UofT and YorkU
  7. 10. John Skive only eats this
  8. 12. Russell, Scottie, Arnet, Shabab, Kelvin, Pasindu,
  9. 13. Kelvin dyed his hair this colour
  10. 15. You may find yourself needing wet wipes to clean the dutty keyboards at this location; one of the four horsemen can be found here
  11. 17. Jordan and Justin’s alma mater
  12. 19. Lavatory girl; might find her at your local REI or MEC
  13. 21. Hanson’s idea of a midnight snack
  14. 23. Did exchange in Lund; did their 6th coop in Norway
  15. 24. She’s your 4 stream class rep and an acclaimed barber!
  16. 28. Jordan’s idea of a desert
  17. 29. Top place Shabab WON’T visit in fear of being kidnapped
  18. 31. Would go to the 484 lab at 3am because he was bored; claims Hamilton but he’s really from burlington; co-founder of the brown battalion
  19. 32. This professor told us to solve a 6x6 determinant during a 10min quiz and then proceeded to show us the solution using matlab.
  20. 34. Celene’s alma mater location
  21. 35. Julian never increased the rent on Hanson and Pasindu at this apartment complex
  22. 36. Kelvin, Hanson, Jordan, Brynn and Shabab picked up cinnabons at the end of 1B and finished this Cartoon Network show
  23. 38. Whoever is reading this clue probably lived in this res in first year
  24. 39. Rahul to you
  25. 40. Was going to participate in the Fashion for Change show
  26. 43. Gave Kelvin crack; one of the four horsemen
  27. 44. Mechatronics course code (yaya some of them have to be easy)
  28. 46. Deffaz boy; best friend is an old man; lived with bed bugs
  29. 51. Lived rent free many times throughout his time at Waterloo
  30. 55. Arnet failed to down two of these in 30 minutes
  31. 58. Celene’s favourite artist