The Essentials of Life: Topic Four - Energy
- 1. Wind mills don't produce energy without __________
- 3. Heat energy is called ________ energy
- 6. There are over 6000 products made from ________
- 7. Benjamin Franklin discovered this form of energy
- 8. Fossil fuels include Coal, Oil and Natural ________
- 10. Solar panels can't produce energy without the ________
- 11. Electrical energy can be stored in a ___________
- 12. Energy from the Sun is called ________ energy
- 2. Without Energy _____________ happens
- 4. Hydro-electric energy is made from flowing _________
- 5. Liquid fuel made from corn is called ____________
- 7. The "Ability to do Work" is called ___________
- 9. There are _________ forms of energy