The Excretory System

  1. 3. Bean-shaped, reddish brown organs, size of a fist
  2. 5. The inflammation of one or both of the kidneys
  3. 9. Another word for pee; liquid waste
  4. 10. When the urine flows back from the bladder into the ureters
  5. 12. The body system controls the way your body functions and is a major controller of the excretory system
  6. 14. The body system that is responsible for transporting materials throughout the entire body
  1. 1. The inflammation of the bladder
  2. 2. Smaller sized deposits of calcium and can be seen in the nephrons
  3. 4. Largest internal organ
  4. 6. Performs the function of excretion in the body
  5. 7. The body system that removes water vapor and carbon dioxide through a process called exhalation
  6. 8. Organ made up of tubes and is on either side of the heart
  7. 11. Final passage way for urine
  8. 13. The body system that that removes feces
  9. 15. Carries urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder