The Executive Branch

  1. 3. This department prosecutes those accused of federal crimes, operates federal prisons, and provides legal advice to the President.
  2. 5. Sets the overall shape of the congressional agenda Chief _____________.
  3. 10. This department enforces laws on minimum wage and safe working conditions.
  4. 11. Representative of the nation and people. Head of ____________.
  5. 12. This department promotes production of renewable energy, fossil fuels, and nuclear energy.
  6. 14. This department manages public lands, wildlife refuges, national parks, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
  7. 16. This department administers programs to promote and regulate highways, mass transit, railroads, waterways, and travel.
  1. 1. The appointment power and vesting power are found under this role. Chief _____________.
  2. 2. Main architect of foreign policy. Chief ____________.
  3. 4. The President has control over the armed forces as the ___________-in-chief.
  4. 6. This department administers federal aid to schools and conducts educational research.
  5. 7. This department conducts the census, grants patents, and promotes international trade.
  6. 8. Acknowledged leader of the Democrats or Republicans that controls the executive branch. Head of _____________.
  7. 9. There are 538 of these in the Electoral College. They officially determine the presidential election.
  8. 13. The election before the national convention.
  9. 15. The court case involving this president was over executive privilege.