The exercise whiz-quiz

  1. 2. Gain or acquire knowledge or skill
  2. 4. strong
  3. 6. fats
  4. 7. accomplishment
  5. 12. skill or ability to perform
  6. 13. the soul
  7. 14. to do
  8. 16. to accomplish a task
  9. 17. Activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation
  1. 1. reward
  2. 2. to express joy
  3. 3. The condition of being physically fit and healthy
  4. 5. to pay attention
  5. 6. An event or contest in which people compete
  6. 8. to have fun
  7. 9. winner
  8. 10. to back up or assist
  9. 11. at high speed
  10. 15. people together