The Fall

  1. 3. The serpent told Eve this wouldn't happen, if she at the fruit
  2. 4. After Adam and Eve partook of the fruit and their eyes were opened they knew they were both this
  3. 7. The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good an evil was given to Adam and Eve so they could do this
  4. 10. Who said "give me thine honor"?
  5. 11. One of the reasons Satan was cast out of the presence of God was because he did this
  6. 12. The kind of leaves Adam and Eve used to cover themselves
  7. 14. Satan told Eve that if she partook of the forbidden fruit this would happen to her eyes
  8. 16. Satan sought also to ____________ Eve
  1. 1. This is who Adam said, gave him of the fruit to eat
  2. 2. As Eve continued to think about this fruit it became this to her eyes
  3. 5. Satan is the father of all lies, wants to _________, to blind, and to lead us captive
  4. 6. Satan told Eve the fruit of the tree could make her this
  5. 8. What Adam and Eve did when they heard the voice of the Lord
  6. 9. Adam and Eve were told if they wanted to stay in the garden they were not touch or __________ the fruit of the tree of knowledge
  7. 13. After Eve thought about what Satan said, she saw that the fruit was this, for food
  8. 15. The Lord asked Adam and Eve if they had done this with the fruit