The Fall of Baldur

  1. 3. What was Loki disguised as when he approached Frigga?
  2. 7. What realm was Baldur taken to after he was burried?
  3. 9. Who volunteered to go to the underworld to ask for Baldur back?
  4. 14. What was the name of Odin's eight-legged horse?
  5. 15. Who made the arrow that killed Baldur?
  6. 17. What was Baldur having bad dreams of?
  7. 18. Who killed Baldur?
  8. 20. Who is Bladur's brother wields Mjolnir?
  1. 1. Who circled around Baldur to try and harm him?
  2. 2. What was Frigga's palace made of?
  3. 4. What was Odin the ruler of?
  4. 5. What did they prepare for Baldur's funeral?
  5. 6. What is Loki's power?
  6. 8. What was the only thing that did not swear to harm Baldur?
  7. 10. Who was Frigga married to?
  8. 11. Who did Loki envy?
  9. 12. Who refused to resurrect Baldur?
  10. 13. What disability did Hodur suffer from?
  11. 16. Who refused to weep for Baldur?
  12. 19. What type of tree was the mistletoe retrieved from?