The Fall of Israel

  1. 5. what the two southern tribes became
  2. 6. the capital city where Ahab sent up a temple to Baal
  3. 8. he seiged the city where Zimri was reigning
  4. 11. where Elijah met the 850 prophets
  5. 14. the famous tunnel that Hezekiah dug to hide the city's water supply
  6. 16. early during his reign Judah enjoyed peace and he instituted religious reforms
  7. 17. retained the southern kingdom
  8. 18. because he called upon the Lord's name, he defeated Jeroboam
  9. 19. sent by God to call his people back to him
  10. 21. Hezekiah's father
  11. 22. ruled Judah at the time of Israel's destruction by Assyria
  12. 24. what the ten northern tribes became
  13. 25. wanted to form an alliance with Judah against Assyria
  14. 26. a Phoenician who married Ahab
  15. 27. he was the model by which future kings of both kingdoms were judged
  16. 28. Elijah's successor
  1. 1. prophet that condemned Hezekiah's actions
  2. 2. he repeatedly warned the people to turn from Baal worship
  3. 3. an idol that the people of Israel worshiped
  4. 4. built on on the place where the temple of Baal stood
  5. 7. as a result of his sins, the kingdom of Israel was divided
  6. 9. became king of the northern kingdom
  7. 10. in Judah he remained faithful to God even though Ahab introduced Baal worship
  8. 12. the people were blessed when they did this before God
  9. 13. who Hezekiah put his trust in
  10. 15. paid to keep Assyrians (or other armies) from attacking
  11. 16. chose to worship Baal and did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him
  12. 18. the army that destroyed Israel
  13. 20. celebrates God's miraculous delivery of his people from Egypt
  14. 23. he was king for only seven days and set fire to the palace and died
  15. 25. he began his reign by killing Jeroboam's family
  16. 26. refused to destroy the golden calves