The fall of Rome and the start of the early Americans

  1. 2. a group of people who moved into Rome and attacked cities.
  2. 5. Reunited Rome’s 2 sides.
  3. 6. The new capital of Rome.
  4. 9. A Frankish threat to Rome.
  5. 10. people who the Rome considered “attackers”.
  6. 11. The leader who the new capital of Rome was named after.
  7. 12. Helped Justinian rule efficiently.
  1. 1. Leader who thought Rome’s empire was to big and decided to cut Rome in 2.
  2. 3. Pictures made of glass.
  3. 4. empire which grew on Rome’s capital.
  4. 7. A Hun leader who attacked Rome.
  5. 8. the decay of people’s values.