The Federal Court System

  1. 4. another word for the decision of a jury (guilty/innocent)
  2. 5. the ability to decide whether a law is constitutional is known as:
  3. 8. a type of jurisdiction when a court hears a case for the first time
  4. 9. a type of jurisdiction that reviews the decisions of lower courts
  5. 10. all federal judges are nominated by the president and confirmed by the:
  6. 11. a case that involves a dispute between groups of people, usually for money or property
  7. 13. the nearest federal DISTRICT court to us is in which city?
  8. 14. the circuit that people would make appeals in Pennsylvania (p.451)
  9. 15. the side who brings arguments/charges in a criminal case
  10. 16. the side who brings arguments in a civil case
  11. 18. US _____Court is where cases are argued for the first time
  12. 19. the group of people who decide the guilt/innocence in a trial
  1. 1. the side who is being accused in a criminal or civil case
  2. 2. a case that determines whether someone broke the law
  3. 3. the nearest US Court of Appeals courthouse is in:
  4. 5. the authority to hear and argue a case
  5. 6. any federal court that is not the Supreme Court
  6. 7. the US Court of _____ has appellate jurisdiction
  7. 12. the main job of the Judicial Branch is to _____ laws.
  8. 17. a geographical area where an appeal is made