The Festive Season

  1. 2. The Chinese New Year is celebrated for ______ days.
  2. 3. The number of days Hannukah lasts for.
  3. 4. The Chinese New Year marks the end of ______ and the beginning of Spring
  4. 5. A five-day-long Hindu holiday celebrating life and the victory of good over evil.
  5. 10. The centerpiece of the Hanukkah celebration.
  6. 11. posadas, A celebration commemorated in the Hispanic culture that lasts 9 days before Christmas.
  7. 12. an African-American celebration of life.
  1. 1. The winter solstice celebrates the ________ of the sun.
  2. 6. The date of Diwali is determined off of the Hindu ________ calendar.
  3. 7. During Kwanzaa, gifts of _______ are given to loved ones.
  4. 8. a Japanese traditional celebration on the last day of the year.
  5. 9. ______ can also be referred to, 'The Winter Solstice'.