The Five Themes Of Geography

  1. 3. a latitude and longitude (global location)or street address (local location)
  2. 4. (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica).
  3. 8. Described by landmark time,direction or distance.from one place to another
  4. 10. symbols used on a map or chart; also called map legend
  5. 11. a place or region as marked by this distance.
  6. 12. Regions defined by function (Newspaper Service,area,cellphone)
  7. 14. mountains, rivers, lakes
  8. 16. main source and the source that actually say what happened
  9. 17. Setting or the weather and the climate & countries
  10. 18. The Study of how people manage their Thing Resource By producing
  11. 20. human movement,Trucks,Trains,Planes,Car
  12. 21. A locality, such as a town or city
  1. 1. The People and Groups within a society that have the authority to make laws
  2. 2. how we affect and are affected by the environment
  3. 5. It is a tool for finding directions.
  4. 6. states, borders, cities, capitals etc
  5. 7. compares a measurement on a map to the actual distance between locations identified on the map
  6. 9. distance east or west on the earth's surface
  7. 11. surface, such as a plain, mountain, or valley.
  8. 12. Regions defined by governmental Or administrative(states,countries,cities.)
  9. 13. All About the Kinds Of Food Or Art And Way Religion!
  10. 15. A Record of past
  11. 19. temperature, precipitation, and wind