The Food I Eat

  1. 1. helps keep me warm
  2. 4. these foods make me look good
  3. 9. I make your bones and teeth strong
  4. 10. every living thing needs me
  5. 12. Not enough Iodine causes this
  6. 13. I keep you going
  7. 16. helps build muscle and tissues
  8. 17. too much sugar causes this
  9. 19. we don't eat beef
  10. 20. Vitamin D strengthens these
  1. 2. best source of Vitamin D
  2. 3. we are good for your eyes
  3. 5. when I am fat I am called this
  4. 6. substance found in foods
  5. 7. I sometimes attack babies
  6. 8. when my bowels are not free
  7. 11. not eaten by rastafarians
  8. 14. used when making bread
  9. 15. we are rich in Vitamin C
  10. 18. I help to build blood