The French Revolution
- 2. of the rights of man and citizens It declared all men were free and equal and will be prosecuted by the law.
- 4. of terror The time period where thousands were accused of treason and executed.
- 5. Bastille It was feared Louis XVI was going to arrest the members of the national assembly, so they successfully besieged this place.
- 7. convention The new government that was a republic and it lasted for 3 years.
- 10. Antoinette Similar to Louis, she was convicted of treason and was killed. She was the Queen of France.
- 11. Assembly Formed by the 3rd estate because they felt they had no power.
- 13. of public safety It was created by the national convention, so it could protect the republic from foreign enemies.
- 15. Estates General An assembly represented by Frances 3 estates (clergy, nobles, and peasants).
- 16. march on Versailles A riot that took place that had thousands of participants, and they demanded lower prices. The king and queen fled.
- 18. commune a new government established by some of the Parisians. It led Paris for 3 months and had many radical ideas.
- 19. fear Was a time period of panic due to peasants attacking nobles' homes.
- 20. Louis XVI financial adviser was fired due to proposals that seemed to favor the 3rd estate.
- 1. France declared war against this country because of fear of foreign ideas.
- 3. of 1791 It limited Frances's monarchy created an elected judiciary and made certain powers for the national assembly.
- 6. of 1795 It was created after the reign of terror, it created a conservative government, and it was the 3rd government.
- 8. XVI the king of France from 1754 - 1793.
- 9. Court Oath Taken by the members of the national assembly to never stop meeting until a constitution was established.
- 12. This person was one of the decision makers of the Reign of terror and was eventually executed.
- 14. of Louis XVI He was unwilling to give up his power and he was convicted of treason. The 1st word is how he died. He was the king of France.
- 17. This person seized power form the directory, ended the French Revolution, and created an absolute monarchy in France.